New proposal for the next SpaceSwap vote about creating a SSI / USDT pool with the SSI (SpaceStableIndex) coin
One of the SpaceSwap project's core ideas is to constantly develop the system and implement new rules that will lead to better operability and the smooth running of the platform. Moreover, our community has the last word in deciding whether proposed changes should be implemented.

Thus, we are launching a couple of votes in Snapshot and all holders possess the power to express their will.

The SpaceSwap team is about to put two new amendments to the vote concerning the new pools.

Due to our development plans, we would like to initiate a decentralized vote with the following purpose:

to create a SSI / USDT pool with the SSI (SpaceStableIndex) coin to join our list of Gravity products.
What is SSI?
SpaceStableIndex (SSI) is a digital ERC-20 asset. It is practically a fully funded stablecoin portfolio that contains USDT, DAI, USDC, sUSD and TUSD coins. SSI automatically rebalances your crypto according to the strategy you choose. For instance, if you want to trade your set of assets with a limited range, the Index will automatically rebalance your assets.

And of course, it makes your portfolio more diversified - if any of the stablecoins stop existing for any reason - you'll still save 80% of your total funds.

This action will help strengthen our major SpaceStableIndex product and create more demand in our Gravity pools.

If adopted through our voting system, such implementations will help us improve the structure within the SpaceSwap governance system and will allow us to better understand the community's wishes.

Open the MILK2-ETH pool on Uniswap and click on the 'Trade' button to buy MILK2 instantly.
Новый подзаголовок
SpaceStableIndex (SSI) is a digital ERC-20 asset. It is practically a fully funded stablecoin portfolio that contains USDT, DAI, USDC, sUSD and TUSD coins. SSI automatically rebalances your crypto according to the strategy you choose. For instance, if you want to trade your set of assets with a limited range, the Index will automatically rebalance your assets.

And of course, it makes your portfolio more diversified - if any of the stablecoins stop existing for any reason - you'll still save 80% of your total funds.

This action will help strengthen our major SpaceStableIndex product and create more demand in our Gravity pools.

If adopted through our voting system, such implementations will help us improve the structure within the SpaceSwap governance system and will allow us to better understand the community's wishes.

Open the MILK2-ETH pool on Uniswap and click on the 'Trade' button to buy MILK2 instantly.
Many books have been written about Silicon Valley and the collection of geniuses, eccentrics, and mavericks who launched the "Digital Revolution"; Robert X. Cringely's Accidental Empires and Michael A. Hiltzik's Dealers of Lightning are just two excellent accounts of the unprecedented explosion of tech entrepreneurs and their game-changing success.

But Walter Isaacson goes them one better: The Innovators, his follow-up to the massive (in both sales and size) Steve Jobs, is probably the widest-ranging and most comprehensive narrative of them all. Don't let the scope or page-count deter you: while Isaacson builds the story from the 19th century--innovator by innovator, just as the players themselves stood atop the achievements of their predecessors--his discipline and era-based structure allows readers to dip in and out of digital history, from Charles Babbage's Difference Engine, to Alan Turing.

The Innovators:
How a Group of Geniuses, and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution
It is necessary to choose a visual aid that is appropriate for the material and audience.
Each type of visual aid has pros and cons that must be evaluated to ensure it will be beneficial to the overall presentation. Before incorporating visual aids into speeches, the speaker should understand that if used incorrectly, the visual will not be an aid, but a distraction.

Planning ahead is important when using visual aids. It is necessary to choose a visual aid that is appropriate for the material and audience. The purpose of the visual aid is to enhance the presentation. Each type of visual aid has pros and cons that must be evaluated to ensure it will be beneficial to the overall presentation. Before incorporating visual aids into speeches, the speaker should understand that if used incorrectly, the visual will not be an aid, but a distraction. Planning ahead is important when using visual aids. It is necessary to choose a visual aid that is appropriate for the material and audience. The purpose of the visual aid is to enhance the presentation.