English news

Voting proposal to issue 65,2M of MILK2 that will be divided into different segments and lower the number of SHAKE

The SpaceSwap management team is about to put to a final vote the new tokenomics we presented earlier this year.

Due to a high number of requests from the SpaceSwap community, we would like to initiate a decentralized vote with the following purpose: 

We want to propose: issuing 65,2M of MILK2 that will be divided into the different segments indicated in the table above. 
We also propose: to lower the number of SHAKE from 10,000 to 5,000. Thus, the Shaker will be launched with the 1 SHAKE = 7,500 MILK2 conversion, then the price of minting 1 SHAKE will rise by 1 MILK2.

e.g. If the SHAKE price now is 7500 MILK2 , then it will become 7501 after minting another SHAKE and so on.

To mint 5,000 SHAKE, there must be around 50 million MILK2 presented in the system.

Such tokenomics allows the system to mint all SHAKE tokens over time and divide MILK2 to fix their emission. This will provide certain motivation for investing in our project and will incentivize investors to easily enter it due to the MILK2 and SHAKE emission being fixed. 


Agree with issuing MILK2 and lowering the number of SHAKE.

Disagree with issuing MILK2 and lowering the number of SHAKE.

Voting is open on:

2021-04-15 16:55