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SIDUS ACADEMY Collection presale available for MILK2 tokens!

The SIDUS HEROES game beta version is about to welcome its first players, and that means that the game is on its way to a full public release, which we all highly expect! On January 6th, the new SIDUS ACADEMY Collection presale started, offering NFTs for a very juicy price. If you have not yet taken this opportunity to buy one, there is some good news for the SpaceSwap community — SIDUS ACADEMY Collection NFTs purchase will be available for MILK2 tokens!

With the growing synergy between the two projects, we are trying to make use of every opportunity to provide new use cases for the MILK2 token. The recent SIDUS HEROES game IDO illustrated the enormous interest of the SpaceSwap community in this project and we are continuing to integrate our native token into the united SpaceSwap / SIDUS ecosystem.

SIDUS ACADEMY Collection presale — main info

Date: January 11th 2022, from 7:00 am to 12:00 pm UTC (5 hours in total). Deviations in the start time by 10-15 minutes are allowed. If the demand for ACADEMY Cards exceeds expectations, the presale will end earlier. We will make an official announcement on the start. 

Available for purchase: Common Heroes only

Token of the presale: MILK2

Blockchain: Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain & Avalanche. MILK2 is now available on all three chains, so you can choose whichever is best for you.

Purchase limit per network address: 3 NFTs per blockchain. A total of 9 NFTs if you buy maximum on all three available networks.

Total NFTs available on the presale:

Ethereum: 600 NFTs
Binance Smart Chain: 1,200 NFTs
Avalanche: 210 NFTs


Ethereum: 715 MILK2
Binance Smart Chain: 715 MILK2
Avalanche: 360 MILK2

The price varies due to the difference in MILK2’s value on each blockchain.

Please note: During the event, the price will not change to accommodate MILK2 price volatility. SpaceSwap is not liable for any possible losses based on token speculation.

Please note: Only MetaMask wallets can be used for this event.

If you are not yet a MILK2 token holder, please find below the contract addresses and ways to purchase the token:

MILK2 ETH: 0x80c8c3dcfb854f9542567c8dac3f44d709ebc1de

MILK2 BSC: 0x4a5a34212404f30c5ab7eb61b078fa4a55adc5a5
How to buy: https://blog.spaceswap.app/tpost/zop6u9mc21-buying-milk2-and-shake-tokens-on-uniswap

MILK2 AVALANCHE: 0x721C299E6BF7D6a430d9bEA3364Ea197314bcE09
How to buy: https://blog.spaceswap.app/tpost/4tbf08a6s1-spaceswap-liquidity-pools-on-the-pangoli

Beware of scammers! Always check the contract address before buying!

Date of claim: starting January 12th
The idea of the presale is to allow you to be one of the first to buy NFTs from the SIDUS ACADEMY Collection under more favorable conditions than will be offered in the public sale. After making a purchase in the presale, you will be added to the User Whitelist and will be able to claim your NFT(s) starting January 12th from the SIDUS HEROES official website.

Please note: SIDUS ACADEMY Collection NTFs will all be claimable on the Ethereum blockchain. All the transaction fees will be paid in ETH by the user. Check all the details on the official SIDUS HEROES socials. 

How to participate in the event

1. Check that you have enough MILK2 to make a purchase.
2. Make sure you have enough tokens to cover the network transaction fees.

Here are some guides explaining how you should connect to the BSC and Avalanche networks: https://blog.spaceswap.app/tpost/u80zahmgs1-a-complete-guide-to-shadow-staking-on-bi  https://blog.spaceswap.app/tpost/n378dscl81-spaceswap-on-avalanche-lets-learn-some-b

3. Go to the main SpaceSwap page at the start of the presale (date and time given above). You will find the link to the event in the main menu. We will also provide a direct link to the presale page in our official announcements.
4. Pick the network you will be accessing through your wallet.
5. Choose the number of NFTs you would like to purchase. You will see the total amount in MILK2.
6. Click on the APPROVE button to confirm your action in MetaMask. Please note – this action will require paying a network fee. The APPROVE action will only be needed once in each network.

! Do not try to approve directly through the contract on the explorer, you will not be able to purchase NFTs that way.

7. Click on the BUY button and confirm your action in MetaMask (gas required).
8. If you are willing to buy NFTs on a different blockchain, repeat all the actions there.
9. Claim your NFTs starting January 12th on https://sidusheroes.com/


Since you can only claim Academy collection NFTs from the address you used to make your purchase, please take care of its security.

  1. Never reveal your seed phrase or private key to anyone. Do not store this information on any electronic device that has access to the internet (text files, screenshots, on your PC, smartphone, etc.)
  2. Do not leave your wallet connected to any dApps.
  3. If you face any technical problems, always contact the relevant official support team in Telegram, Discord, Intercom. Do not reveal your address in public groups

The official Support team would never: request your seed phrase or private key; request any funds; and would never try to sell you anything directly.

If your wallet is compromised, we will not be able to change the address with which you must claim your NFT(s).

Always check the MILK2 token contract address!

Website: https://spaceswap.app 
Telegram: t.me/SpaceSwap
Twitter: https://twitter.com/spaceswapdefi
Blog: https://blog.spaceswap.app
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/4hvxZNWGHP
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/SpaceSwap