English news

Attention, SpaceSwap users! Harvesting is temporarily off but your LP tokens are 100% safe

Soon after launching the Booster product, we experienced an issue: it affected the calculation of rewards making them being displayed incorrectly. The SpaceSwap team is working on this problem. The troubleshooting process is expected to end by 2nd or 3rd March. Meanwhile, harvesting is off but the LP tokens staked via Shadow continue generating farming rewards. 

What’s happened?

SpaceSwap has recently launched the new product - Booster - for increasing user’s farming rewards. For several reasons, it led to incorrect displaying of users’ token balance and problems with harvesting. 

While we’re investigating and fixing the technical issues, harvesting is temporarily stopped. We expect to eliminate these problems by 2nd or 3rd March (8:00 PM EST). This time will be enough for us to perform an all-out revision of the entire platform and eliminate other possible vulnerabilities. 

All that doesn’t mean that LP stakers will lose any of their coins or farming rewards. 

Don’t panic - your LP tokens are safe

Don’t forget that when you stake LP tokens via Shadow Staking, they stay on your wallet - no technical problems with SpaceSwap can affect your wallet balance! Your funds stay yours all the time.

Hence, don’t rush to withdraw your LP tokens. During the troubleshooting period, all users continue getting farming AND Booster rewards - they will be displayed on users’ balance after we fix everything. 

If you plan to start using Booster, we recommend waiting until the end of repair works - this way, you won’t get confused by calculating rewards. 

Final Word

Like any self-respecting DeFi project, we’re doing our best to provide users with innovative and prospective financial services. Yet, dealing with experimental products inevitably means fixing bugs and mistakes - it lays the path for future innovations. 

With our revolutionary Shadow Staking service, SpaceSwap users don’t have to worry about LP tokens - they stay on native wallets and don’t go to our smart contract. The Booster case has proved once again that we’re moving in the right direction by putting customer’s security on the pedestal. 

Thanks for being a part of the SpaceSwap community and choosing our products! Day by day, we’re developing and polishing our DeFi products to make finance management easy, profitable and safe for everyone.

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