Disclaimer: This article is not an investment recommendation, it is based on analysis of information from open sources for educational and entertainment purposes. DYOR and stay safe.

While the market has slowed down in anticipation of rising interest and exchange rates, many crypto enthusiasts are looking for alternative ways to make money as an alternative to classic trading. In addition, mass adoption dictates its own rules – there are more and more blockchain applications associated with a variety of activities. DeFi is already going beyond the classic financial products, mastering more and more new directions. So what are the current trends in the market?
Classic methods

The Author of article “How to Make Money with Cryptocurrency in 2022” includes the concept of Play-to-Earn among classic earning options such as mining, profitable farming and lending, putting P2E (already familiar to us) in 5th place.
Despite the Ronin bridge incident in April, Axie infinity continues to disrupt the industry. The giants Gods Unchained, The Sandbox and Decentraland are not far behind. Our ecosystem’s project - SIDUS pleases users with its continual development.
Take a closer look at the PenguinKarts project who held its IDO on Spacewap Starter in March and the CryptoCitizen project (also holding its upcoming IDO on our launchpad). And while P2E has already become familiar and understandable to us, the new Move-to-Earn wave of hype is definitely the dark horse of DeFi.

Expanding the concept of augmented reality and popularizing a healthy lifestyle, M2E games are a breath of fresh air for DeFi. But haven’t we seen something like this before? Everything ingenious is typically simple and its concept, not so new. Remember the Pokemon Go game? At one time it blew up the App Store and Google Play and it motivated us to move in order to collect bonuses and hatch Pokemon eggs – a game that was enjoyed by many. It is therefore not surprising to find other DeFi applications on the market whereby you can earn money by walking or running. Some like to run themselves while others prefer to hire people who will “run at the speed of at least 8 km per hour” for a fixed fee!

Only the lazy have not heard about the STEPN project in recent weeks, though this is certainly not the only player (or better yet, ‘walker’) on the market. Other top ‘walkers’ include Genopets and WIRTUAL.

Genopets is a Solana based project that offers free minting on digital fitness avatars that move whenever you move. WIRTUAL is an app that allows you to customize your character and unlock new rewards through physical activity. What is so interesting about this application is that it includes a wide range of sporting activities – from walking and cycling to swimming and dancing.

There are plenty of applications on the market with a similar concept and many consider them to be not only an investment activity, but an additional incentive to play sports.
Knowledge is power: Learn-to-Earn and Watch-to-Earn – “why didn’t this exist when I was at school?”

It's time to make money on learning. Literally, immediately and directly. Popular information platforms offer their users a chance to earn money by watching training videos, completing quizzes (reminiscent of our mini-quizzes) and so on.

CoinMarketCap offers TRX, BNB and other crypto assets for watching educational videos and completing tasks that test your assimilation of new information from the cryptosphere as part of its new project. The Legion network project is also developing a similar system within its Super App.
Going exotic

If all the above is not enough for you, then before we continue, please remove any children from in front of your screen now! If you have any specific tastes, there are some more unusual applications available. But just how safe and effective they are is for you to decide. This article is only meant to highlight the diversity of the market, which is truly limitless.

How about Sleep-to-Earn? Another dream come true or what? Some projects really are ambitious about the possibility of earning in your dreams.
Not impressed yet? What do you think about the concept of making money from your sexual activity? Wait… what?! You heard us, some projects are ready to pay out for combining the two most beloved things on earth. Now, sex doesn’t just sell!
There are a number of other ideas with varying degrees of madness, which is why we love crypto and Web3 – here you can implement the most daring ideas that may or may not be useful. Be careful and DYOR.