English news

Exchange your partnership NFTs for a Celestial Partnership card!

Card of change: get a Celestial Partnership card for your 10 partnership NFTs!

Great news for all SpaceSwap users!
From June 4th to June7th 09:00 UTC, you’ll be able to exchange your partnership NFTs for a Celestial Partnership card.
This will help you farm 15,000 dollars, as we promised you earlier

In total, 5 new Celestial Partnership cards will be issued and sent to the first 5 people who send us their 10 partnership NFTs.
The partnership NFTs include: Crafty Things, Space Goods, Blockchain Ice, Immortal Spirit, Magic Moment, The Empyrean, Bitslayer, Spacecream, On the way and Long-tailed. 

After you send us your NFTs, the SpaceSwap team will direct your Celestial Partnership card to the address you previously provided. From this very address, you must send the 10 Partnership Cards.
In the near future, we will announce a new farming pool that we’re creating specifically for the super Celestial Partnership card!

What is Celestial Partnership?

There’s a way to make even greater profits and it’s called ‘Celestial Partnership’. The most skilled space travellers already know it. 

To get this card, you must collect 10 partnership NFTs. Then you’ll be eligible to make the exchange. To do so, follow the manual below!
P.S. The first 5 people to send 10 different partnership NFTs will each be rewarded with a Celestial Partnership card. We’ll make an additional announcement to the community after the process is finished.


1.What do I have to do to get this card?
To get the card, you must:
  • Go to Rarible 
  • Check that the wallet you keep your NFTs in is connected to the site
  • Open the ‘My items’ section
  • Choose each individual NFT and select the ‘transfer’ function
  • Insert the SpaceSwap account address into the ‘Receiver address’ field and send your 10 partnership NFTs one by one to:

2.Can I send 10 cards that are identical?
No, they must be 10 different cards.

3.Can I still purchase more cards?
Only if you find the person selling it — we’ve already stopped its sales.

4.Will there be new Farming cards coming up?
As for now, we are focused on the project’s development, so during June — there will be no new farming cards coming up.

Got any additional questions? Contact our support team on Telegram and we’ll help you solve any problem!

The SpaceSwap team is always doing its best for the community. We are overjoyed to implement new services and innovations, especially when they become useful and profitable for all of you! 
Keep tracking the news to make sure you have a front row seat to our latest updates! 

Open the MILK2-ETH pool on Uniswap and click on the ‘Trade’ button to buy MILK2 instantly. 
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