English news

Totally sold out! All our new NFTs have gone and the farming campaign has already started!

The SpaceSwap team is delighted to announce that all 100 NFTs on Rarible have already been sold! Now it’s time for the next stage -  the farming campaign has already started.

Our team is launching 3 brand new NFT pools to help all MILK2 holders farm even more MILK2: https://spaceswap.app/pools/nft/

Check out this detailed manual to learn how to start farming correctly. 

Benefits of the new NFTs

  1. The APY of the pool depends on the price of the NFT you chose. The more expensive your NFT is, the higher the allocation point for APY counting.
  2. Your award share and APY depends on your share in the pool, just as in ordinary farming. The more cards you have, the bigger your share, the greater your reward.
  3. You can sell your cards on Rarible after farming.

All the holders are free to start harvesting any time, after and including 8 February till the end of farming campaign that will be lasting for 30 days. 

Keep in mind that 4 MILK2 is mined per 1 block of Ethereum. However, the ratio of the pool is 1/50, so your minimum share is proportionally much higher than in the usual pools.

We are delighted to launch the brand new farming campaign that will become the next stage of our DeFi and NFT development! All our NFTs were sold within several days and that means the demand for innovations and benefits is at the top of our list. We will do everything to develop more new innovations soon!’- states the SpaceSwap team. 

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